The Ebeni – Peaceful Inhabitants of Selpo in the Zeta Reticuli I System

An Ebeni being from Selpo, with light brown skin, large green or blue oval eyes, and wearing blue clothing, standing next to their discoidal spacecraft

Origins and Migration

The Ebeni originally hailed from Azrata in the Zeta Reticuli I (one) system. They were forced to leave due to increasing volcanic activity and orbital instability caused by a nearby comet’s passage. This led them to settle on Selpo, another planet within the same star system, where they adapted and continued their civilization.

Physical Characteristics and Adaptations

Standing at a maximum height of 1.30 meters, about 4.2 ft, the Ebeni are distinct from the Greys of Zeta Reticuli, notably the Solipsi Rai. They are a different species entirely, lacking the reptiloid DNA common in many Grey species. Ebeni have thin mouths, small noses, and four-fingered hands and feet. Their skin ranges from light brown to pale blue, with some individuals favoring blue due to cultural significance. They possess large, oval eyes in shades of green or blue and wear dark protective lenses when outside their native environment.

Cultural Traits and Lifestyle

The Ebeni are known for their peaceful and caring nature, though they have a strong curiosity. Despite their serene demeanor, they are not connected genetically to other Grey species. Their thick skin evolved to withstand the harsh, hot conditions of their original planet, which had an atmosphere rich in carbon. This environmental preference led them to modify Selpo’s atmosphere to mirror Azrata’s conditions.

Technological and Colonization Efforts

The Ebeni have established a colony in the Barnard star system. Their spacecraft are discoidal, featuring high modules above and beneath a flat roof. These ships reflect their advanced technology and adaptability in space travel.

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