Norfolk Southern, BLET, and SMART-TD Partner with FRA to Launch Groundbreaking C3RS Pilot Program

Norfolk Southern Corporation, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), and the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers – Transportation Division (SMART-TD), in partnership with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), announced Monday their joint participation in an FRA Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS) pilot program designed to enhance railroad safety.

Under the one-year C3RS pilot, covered NS employees can report safety concerns with the certainty that such reports will not result in discipline. NASA will deidentify data and provide it for review by a joint committee of NS and labor representatives, who, with FRA’s guidance, will identify and implement corrective actions to improve safety.

Participation in this C3RS pilot underscores NS, BLET, and SMART-TD’s shared belief that collaboration and transparency are foundational pillars of an effective safety program. Key goals of the C3RS pilot program include:

Collecting currently unreported unsafe practices, behaviors, or situations;
Identifying and implementing corrective actions; and
Sharing general trends and statistics to enhance railroad safety.

Throughout the program, FRA will provide oversight, guidance, and support to the parties as they analyze safety data and work to effect positive change.

-via Press Release

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