The Mythilae ‘Unukh’ – Inhabitants of Theta Serpentis in Serpens Constellation

Mythilae 'Unukh' from Theta Serpentis, a Reptoid-related species with a distinctive appearance due to their organic masks

Origin and Habitat

The Mythilae, also known as the “Unukh”, originate from the constellation Serpens, specifically from the star Alya-Unukhalai. Their home world is characterized by a dark, cold and damp environment. The Unukhi have adapted to these harsh conditions and thrive in very cold temperatures.

Physical Characteristics and Diet

The Unukhi are related to the Reptoid species but are not classified as Reptilians. They sustain themselves by consuming vegetation and crushed minerals, particularly carbon. Due to their unique physiology, they cannot breathe Earth’s air and use a special organic mask, which gives them a distinctive appearance.

Relationship with Terra

The Unukhi discovered Terra in the 1960s and are currently in the process of joining the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW). They are allowed to hover above Earth’s polar regions and even land to take samples, provided they adhere to the rules of non-intervention. Although they do not pose any threat to humans, the Unukhi are not interested in participating in the GFW’s operations for the liberation of Terra.

Technological Aspects

The Unukhi’s ships have a vertical shape, reflecting their advanced technology and unique engineering adapted to their cold, dark home world.

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