The Negumak – Ancient Alien Predators of the Antares System

Origins and Characteristics

The Negumak, also known by their original name Gnomopo, hail from the planet Negumak in the Antares system within the Scorpius constellation. This race is one of the oldest known in existence and is known for their formidable and fearsome nature. Unlike most known species, the Negumak are insectoid in appearance and do not share genetic traits with reptilians, greys or any other life forms in the galaxy. Their unique genetic composition makes them truly one-of-a-kind.

Reproduction and Physical Traits

The Negumak are androgynous and reproduce through a unique process of laying eggs, which are then fertilized once they reach a certain level of maturity. These beings are tall and large, possessing an imposing presence that instills fear in even the most terrifying species, including the Ciakahrr. Their prowess as warriors is unparalleled, and they are known for their terrifying combat skills.

Interactions and Technology

Although the Negumak are not part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW), their power and influence are undeniable. They have the potential to wipe out the Reptilian race, a fact that continues to be a significant point of concern for many. Their ships are crafted from dark, glossy metal and feature very elaborate designs. Despite their fearsome reputation, the Negumak perform abductions on Terra for purposes unknown to us, utilizing mind-control techniques with remarkable skill before releasing their captives.

First Contact and Current Relations

First contact between Terran governments and the Negumak occurred in 1989, and their existence has been a source of fear and intrigue ever since. The Ciakahrr and Orion occupation forces have warned Terrans about the Negumak, further instilling fear and uncertainty about the future. While the Cabal fears them greatly, there is hope that one day a conversation and agreement could be reached with the Negumak, potentially changing the course of interstellar relations.

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