Concerning incident unfolds at Richmond station on Wednesday afternoon

Sky News reporter Simon Love has shared an eyewitness account of a concerning incident which took place at Richmond station on Wednesday afternoon.

Police have confirmed that a woman was pushed onto the tracks and was being treated for non-life-threatening injuries, after being rescued by other passengers.

The man later fled the scene and hasn’t been located yet.

Click PLAY to hear Simon Love’s report on the concerning incident 

One thought on “Concerning incident unfolds at Richmond station on Wednesday afternoon

  1. Police are investigating after a woman was reportedly pushed onto tracks at Richmond station by an unknown man.

    Onlookers were able to get the woman off the tracks and call emergency services. She is now being treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

    The man who allegedly pushed her fled the scene and is yet to be located. It’s believed the pair were unknown to each other.

    Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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