Turning Sylvia Park into a 20 minute city

New Zealand’s largest shopping mall, Sylvia Park in Auckland, is being transformed into a “20 minute city”, and more such centres are planned, the mall’s owner says.

Kiwi Property Group was one of the country’s biggest retail and office landlords, but it was expanding into mixed-use and residential build-to-rent developments, and Sylvia Park was first on the list.

At Sylvia Park there was already 106,427sqm of retail space and about 250 shops, and an office building, ANZ Raranga, but a new office building, 3 Te Kehu Way, would be opening shortly.

The precinct would also soon be home to the publicly listed company’s first build-to-rent development. It would have 295 apartments, and was scheduled to be ready for tenants in June next year.

Kiwi Property chief executive Clive Mackenzie said the company was on a mission to create connected communities around some of its shopping centres in key transport nodes.

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