Fatima Payman resigns from Labor after a long walk

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese accepted political reality on Sunday by indefinitely suspending Senator Fatima Payman from caucus after she pledged to continue her rebellion over Gaza. By quitting less than a week later, Payman did the same.

Her position in Labor has probably been untenable since she voted against her own government last Tuesday. It’s definitely been untenable since Sunday, when she defiantly pledged to do it again.

And on Thursday afternoon, hours before Senate proceedings wrapped up before a winter break, Payman confirmed what everyone suspected: she will move to the cross bench.

11 thoughts on “Fatima Payman resigns from Labor after a long walk

  1. No surprise Payman has quit Labor to sit on the crossbench. But in doing so, she has effectively pledged her loyality to what is happening in Gaza rather than to the people who help fund her and to get her in to parliament.

    She has turned her back on her colleagues and frankly she has proven her loyalty is not to the country who took her and her family in being Australia, but to causes thousands of miles away from here. That speaks volumes about her.

  2. Treat them like the streakers at the football or cricket and drag them off the field. If their hands are glued anywhere rip them off or leave them out in the cold overnight for a week. Hose them first.

  3. What happened to terrorism laws preventing access to Parliament House roof. Not only did they access it but they just gave their watching mates a response time for their extra curricular activities

    Security has failed!! Glad parliament is well protected by responsive officers

  4. I have been to Parliament House and they have loads of security. This is orchestrated this is planned and prearranged. I’m sorry a tourist couldn’t read a book on Parliament House while in the senate chamber when I was last there.

  5. I said before. Criminals in parliament house allowed this… i mean to say channnel 7 9 10 abc. The usual brainwashing outlets are all over it and are loving it… this is terrorism and incitement. Charge these clowns and all associated.

  6. Why didn’t they jump! Because these radical protesters are only in for the 15 minutes of fame the government is to gutless to send them out of Australia . and if they are Australian they need to be jailed.

  7. just heard a Greens senator speak, the males in the Greens party, why do they all speak soflty like pansies and have hyphonated surnames?

  8. The security contract needs to be terminated. People shouldn’t be able to get anywhere near the joint. Any one of them could have been carrying a bomb

  9. Ironic that they’re on the top of a building since that’s where their LGBT friends get thrown from in the place they’re supporting.

  10. Fatima’s career timeline

    * 1995 – Born in Afghanistan

    * 2017 – Graduates with Bachelor in Arts in Anthropology

    * 2018 – Joins United Workers Union

    * 2022 – Becomes Labor Senator

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