The Old Newer Vs Rolling stock in Victoria

Riding and sampling the Velocities DMUs VS N and Z cars for Vic Regional Railway Conditions.

The long distance older trains are being replaced with the Velocities DMU is this the right choice?

From my observation and riding experience the newer train need better insulation in the walls and floors as the on board riding conditions are bad for anything more then 3-4 hrs one way on the longer distances Warrnambool etc!

The noise level on board and constant roar of the traction engines and excessive vibration felt in the DMU and is hard on people’s ears, I understand on the newer trains people sitting in same area where the excessive vibration and noise is resonating through whole length the Velocities DMU. Unlike old train as people isolated away from the vibration of the traction engines and air pressure is reduced onboard.

I understand the drivers are protected in a insulated cab what about the passengers onboard?

I understand that the Warrnambool loco hauls with be replaced with the Velocities DMU after the 2 month shut down and this will progress with Swan Hill Loco Haul later on. I understand the safe level for noise exposure is 85 decibels for set period of time, anything more need some sort of ear protection…..

The reading is as follows for Vol DMU :
end cars …..81.1 Min _Max 83.1 and Peak is 86.6

Middle Car can a lot higher up to 79Min – Max 97 Decibels and Peak 101

The reading for the loco hauled trains N set and older Z series carriages

BZN on a Loco haul carriage on [Rough track]:

77 Decibels Max 82 decibels and Peak 88 Decibels

BZN on a Loco haul carriage on [Normal track]

Min 77 Decibels Max 81.9 Peak 86.7

Reading from app DecibelX App.

Disclaimer : The Reading from the app require verification via Sound Technicians, Rolling Stock Engineers

When the concerns are identified, how do they rectify it?

As NSW Explorer same manufacture Alstom DMU has to follow with rolling stock specification for NSW Railway Conditions for long distance use for Transportation of the trains provider to design their newer trains which specifies Bi Directional seating and Buffet facilities to be included in the designing the production of the newer trains ….

From my observation: a regional conditions requirement and trip where people are sitting for more 3-4 + hrs onboard for our newer trains it need a buffet for people who has complex medical dietary requirement that need access to food and drinks on board plus it need to comfortable enough to rest or relax while riding longer distances.

There’s good amount of people who has tight time constraints for people who require food and drinks before disembarking and doing coach connections after getting off the trains!

Personally the Vols DMU got a potential to be good train if the decision makers put more thought into the passenger layout for the purpose Regional Travelling Conditions not more of a Suburban /Interurban passenger layout posing as Regional…..As not all trains are the same.

I realise the DOT has invested a lot in Alstom. I included a website of their scope of their company who too manufacture provides trains in other countries that more fit for purpose for long distance.

Why do we only rely on one design of train for our system in v/line?

Shouldn’t we get a combination of DMUs for short routes or IMU rolling stock suited for lengthy runs for Vic Regional Railway Conditions?

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