Jacinta Allan creates appearance of a hard line stance on the CFMEU

Jacinta Allan said: “I have absolutely zero tolerance for this sort of bullying, thuggish, appalling, rotten behaviour.”

“I will work with the federal government to take all the necessary steps to continue to ensure workplaces across Victoria are safe and productive and are free from this sort of behaviour.”

“Both of these agencies have strong and appropriate powers to investigate these matters and it’s my expectation that they will do so thoroughly.”

“We will be undertaking an independent review of all Victorian government workplace agencies who are engaged with construction companies and with construction unions.”

“We will also review how the Victorian infrastructure delivery authority can direct the removal of individuals with criminal associations from work sites across the state.”

“We will also be making a request to the federal government that it exercises its powers under the Fair Work Act to review, and then if necessary, terminate all CFMEU enterprise bargaining agreements on Victorian construction sites if it’s necessary to prevent criminal activity.”

This comes from someone who probably knew about the issues prior and needs to be seen to be taking a hard line by the public.

Lets not sugar coat this, if what is alleged is true, then the ALP have been sending taxpayer money to criminal syndicates.

4 thoughts on “Jacinta Allan creates appearance of a hard line stance on the CFMEU

  1. We all know how Victorian independent reviews go. Corrupt govt . As if she didn’t know anything about this- her husband is CFMEU I have heard.

  2. Remember when Jacinta Allan said “things do cost what they cost” after huge budget blow-outs on her infrastructure projects?

    Now we find out the CFMEU and organised crime gangs have been taking their own big cuts.

  3. Premier Jacinta Allan has described actions of the CFMEU as “self-interested thuggery”, suspending the construction union from the Victorian Labor Party following recent allegations of criminality.

    Political donations from the CFMEU will be paused immediately, and the matter will be referred to Victoria Police and IBAC in a crackdown Allan has said aims to change the organisation’s “rotten culture”.

    She has also moved to end any EBA agreements with the union on Victorian construction sites compromised by the reported criminal behaviour, with the help of the Federal Government.

    Despite being questioned over her prior knowledge of the allegations, Allan has stressed her “zero-tolerance” for criminal activity on any worksite across the state.

  4. The appalling behaviour at the CFMEU, including violence, thuggery, intimidation and bullying has been going on for a number of years. It is time that this union is deregistered. They have made it clear over a number of years that they have no intention of changing their ways. They need to start again.

    Having a different part of the union administer the Victorian construction branch is not going to solve the problem.

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