Calls for junk food advertising to be removed from public transport

A peak cancer body is calling on the Victorian government to take a stand against junk food advertising on public transport.

Cancer Council Victoria wants the five new train stations slated to open across Melbourne’s CBD next year to be free from junk food advertising.

Unhealthy food and drink advertising is currently allowed on all public transport across the state.

Commuter train approaching a train station in Melbourne Victoria Australia (Getty)

According to data supplied by the peak cancer body, about 66 per cent of parents are in favour of removing unhealthy food and drink advertising on public transport.

Meanwhile, 80 per cent wanted government action to remove the advertising.

“Being surrounded by marketing of unhealthy food and sugary drinks is good for the processed food industry’s profits, but bad for our children’s health,” Cancer Council Victoria’s head of obesity programs Jane Martin said.

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