Paul’s Blog – February 3, 2024

On Saturday, February 3, we had a good size crew come out despite the terrible weather. Dwight Maxey, Polly Cotton, Dannis Hudson, Kendall Crouch, Chris Pollard, Reid Adams and Paul Brown all spent the day working on cleaning up and organizing a small area of the shop. Luckily, we were able to stay indoors as it rained and snowed all day. The work consisted of fixing a rolling tool box and reorganizing the tools in it, as well as cleaning up a work bench and shelves next to it so we can find small hardware when we need it. We concentrated items that we normally use on the shelves, and moved a number of items to a small storage area out of the way. We also trashed a lot of items that were deemed useless to our ongoing operations. Lastly, we did a bit of clean-up in the shop as we get quite the collection of leaves and dirt blown into the shop when doors are open.

Thanks to the crew that worked hard all day to help get a needed task complete, and we stayed dry and comfortable while doing it. Here are a few pictures of the action which you will see in a couple of pictures was moving quite fast!!

– Paul

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