Make buses better to combat March Madness

Tomorrow is March and with it we well and after a couple of years off due to the pandemic, our bus,train and ferry transport systems is well and truly in the midst of March Madness again. March Madness is where our demand on our entire transport system is typically at it’s highest. The summer holidays are over and most people are back at work before starting to think about their next trip. Back too are schools and universities, the latter filled with eager students before the some decide that it just isn’t for them and stop turning up. There also aren’t the typical ‘winter bugs’ floating around keeping some people home.

Even before the pandemic, public transport struggled in March with buses, trains and ferries often full to capacity, and sometimes leaving people behind. This year the demand for travel is seemingly returning but with bus driver and ferry operator shortages already resulting in thousands of services being cancelled weekly, as well as ongoing rail network disruption, there just isn’t the capacity this year to cope with that demand. As Todd Niall at Stuff reported the other day.

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