No taxpayer should let the prime minister anthony albanese get away with the cfmeu saga

Peta credlin says no taxpayer should let the prime minister anthony albanese get away with the cfmeu saga!

Peta Credlin said

“Ongoing claims from senior Labor figures that they knew nothing, they were entirely innocent of any knowledge whatsoever of alleged criminality in the building industry, well they don’t stack up.”

“They knew, and they tolerated it, because they were the beneficiaries of the CFMEU’s millions and its patronage.” “No taxpayer should let the Prime Minister get away with this.”

2 thoughts on “No taxpayer should let the prime minister anthony albanese get away with the cfmeu saga

  1. All members of the government are members of the ALP, (AUSTRALIAN LIARS PARTY) and if they claim they don’t know or they forget they are adopting the Daniel (The Despicable Dictator) Andrews defence, and are just proving the fact they belong to the AUSTRALIAN LIARS PARTY. They are just that, dirty, filthy, untrustworthy, despicable LIARS.

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