Eyewitness Captured a Cigar-Shaped UFO on Camera, What Happened Next Is Still Unexplained

Eyewitness Captured a Cigar-Shaped UFO on Camera,
What Happened Next Is Still Unexplained

Have you ever seen a cigar-shaped flying object in the sky? Would you say it could have been an optical illusion? Plus, if it was about a kilometer long? And I even know what you’re thinking – a bunch of fake videos have bombarded us, and they’re all waiting to be debunked! You’re on the Top Facts channel, and we have a collection of credible video facts of cylindrical shaped flying objects, let’s call them flying cigars! These stories are filmed by eyewitnesses and have been moderated online: they have become popular to the point where it is already a shame not to know about some unidentified objects that visit the Earth! Let’s watch the stories – they prove that alien visitors have already mastered our skies! Let’s go after the aliens!

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/oYMavIg0A60?si=x7m3V8hIq2lft_Cu

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