High Speed Rail Group and West Coast Partnership Development host first ever all-female apprentice event

The High Speed Rail Group (HSRG) and West Coast Partnership Development are delighted to have hosted our first ever all-female apprentice event to coincide with this year’s National Apprenticeship Week. Taking place at Alstom’s Crewe factory earlier this week, the event focused around equipping the next generation of women in rail with skills for life.

The event was formed based on a suggestion from female apprentices in the High Speed Rail Apprentice Network as a way of bringing together women from across the rail and construction industry to share expertise and personal experiences. The Network is run by the HSRG as a way of connecting apprentices and graduates from across HS2 and its contractors, and the wider HSR industry – and provide members of the network with opportunities for networking, meeting other apprentices and sharing experiences and best practice.

Those present were able to hear from Susan Evans, Board Director, High Speed Rail Group; Shamit Gaiger, Managing Director, West Coast Partnership Development ; Anne-Marie Rotter, HS2 VSHT Project Director at Alstom and Natalie Penrose, Head of Legacy at HS2 Ltd on the challenges women face in the rail industry, and how women in the industry can support each other’s development.

In addition to several keynote speeches, the event featured an interactive mentoring session, where senior women in the industry shared their insights and knowledge of how they have progressed into senior leadership roles, as a way of helping the apprentices to develop leadership skills. 

Women remain a minority in the rail industry, representing just 23% of the workforce last year according to the Office of Rail and Road. HS2 Ltd has implemented processes like blind sifting CVs to reduce hiring bias, and has made strong progress, increasing female representation to 39% of internal staff and 30% of supply chain staff. Yet clearly more progress is needed across the industry, both in encouraging new women into the industry and supporting them once they join. 

Commenting on the event, Shamit Gaiger, Managing Director of West Coast Partnership Development said: “Events like this are a great opportunity to bring together women from across all levels in the industry to champion each other’s successes in a positive way. Diversity is an important passion of mine and it was fantastic to be part of an event that recognises all the contributions made by female apprentices. They are the next generation of talent and leaders, and it is our role, as senior women in rail, to continually inspire them and support their development.”

Susan Evans, Board Director, High Speed Rail Group said “I was delighted to see such a strong turnout from women at all levels in their career at the High Speed Rail Group’s first ever dedicated event to female apprentices this week. Whilst there is still more to do to continue to increase diversity in the rail sector, this week our members came together to demonstrate there are women leaders in the sector who are actively supporting future generations. We do not underestimate the importance of everyone working together to support these young women who will one day do the same.”

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