Daniel Andrews refuses to hand over phone and bank records

Catherine and Daniel Andrews fail to hand-over phone and bank records, despite Supreme Court order. Catherine and Daniel Andrews have not handed over a single document, claiming they couldn’t find anything.

They are now telling Ryan’s family to pay for their own subpoenas to Telsta, Optus and the Commonwealth Bank if they want the crash-day records.

Ryan’s family are angered by this latest move, but say they will not give up, and will subpoena the documents themselves if necessary. As Peter Meuleman said; “Catherine and Daniel Andrews are NOT above the law, even if they think they are.” “This appalling tactic is designed to slow us down and cost us money. It won’t work. And I want to thank every Victorian who has continued to help us fund this fight. We will never give up. Ryan deserves justice.”

Please donate to Ryan’s Justice Fund and help Ryan cover legal costs for this fight against Catherine and Daniel Andrews: https://gofund.me/77424409

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