Australia has lost it way and people are suffering under Anthony Albanese

An Arts degree now costs $50,000.

A house deposit takes over a decade to save for. A block of cheese costs $10.

The average person has a HECS debt until they’re in their 40s. We’re in a baby recession because young people can’t afford to have children.

We’ve got to give young people hope for the future again.

The government should finish fixing the HECS system so people can do a degree without being left with decades of debt. The government should be doing far more to address the housing affordability crisis and give those most at risk of homelessness much greater support.

And the government should make basic living expenses, like childcare and visits to the doctor, more affordable.

We’re at real risk of becoming the first generation to leave the world worse off than we found it. I don’t want that to be my generation’s legacy.

We’ve got to do much more to give the next generation a good future.

Monique Ryan MP

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