Make Good Bus Routes Great

How do we make public transport in Christchurch better? We have several good bus routes in Christchurch that have OK frequencies, some level of bus priority and not terrible infrastructure. I think we need to focus on these routes to get them from just good, to really great. But I’ve been hearing more and more conversations lately that contradict this and so I thought I’d jot down why this is what we should be doing.

In a city like Christchurch, where it’s relatively easy to drive, most trips take longer if you choose to make them on a bus compared to if you drive. And most people in Christchurch have the option of driving, we have one of the highest rates of car ownership in the world. If the same trip takes 51 minutes on a bus or 11 minutes in a car, the vast majority of people will choose the car. For example, this trip from Hornby to Ilam.

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