OPC Assessment supports apprenticeship recruitment with innovative tools

OPC Assessment is helping organisations to identify and recruit high quality apprentices with its Core Skills Series assessment tools.

The leading provider of assessment resources works closely with clients in the rail industry and transport sector.

Its specially developed Core Skills Series offers a comprehensive range of tools, developed to help evaluate foundational numerical and verbal skills, as well as abstract, diagrammatic, spatial, and mechanical reasoning abilities. OPC Assessment said that these tools help to identify candidates with sound reasoning abilities, particularly in industries where such skills are key (engineering, construction, and manufacturing, for example).

One such example from the Core skills Series is the Core Skills Abstract Reasoning Test (CoreA), which evaluates a candidate’s ability to discern patterns and trends by analysing shapes or symbols and identifying the underlying rule(s) to solve the problem. OPC Assessment explained that his proficiency can be particularly useful in engineering apprenticeships, where problem-solving skills may be needed to perform the role successfully. The Core A is only one of the seven tests in the Core Skills Series.

Alongside the Core Skills Series, OPC Assessment has also produced bespoke practical assessments designed to help drive diversity and inclusion in recruitment processes. These hands-on assessments simulate real-world scenarios, offering candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their practical abilities. From hazard-checking tests to precision engineering tasks, these exercises allow candidates to showcase their skills tangibly and beyond traditional academic performance, while also providing an insight for candidates into the day-to-day responsibilities of the role.

OPC Assessment’s psychologists emphasise the importance of making recruitment decisions based on tangible competency evidence. The Core Skills Series and practical tests offer valuable tools to help identify and recruit individuals with a higher likelihood of success through training, and delivering quality performance in the role.

Jo Lawrence, Business Development Director at the OPC said: “OPC Assessment’s Core Skills Series and practical assessments help provide valuable insights into candidates’ abilities, enabling organisations to make better-informed recruiting decisions. These innovative assessment tools can not only help organisations identify top apprentice talent but they can also contribute to improving inclusivity and diversity in the recruitment process; helping to build more diverse and inclusive teams.”

Learn more about OPC Assessment’s practical exercises in the January edition of Rail Director Magazine, or visit the OPC Assessment website to learn more.

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