Planning for the transport future

Maribyrnong council has taken the next step in developing a new long-term plan to help guide the development of Maribyrnong’s transport system.

At the July 23 council meeting, a discussion paper on the Maribyrnong Integrated Transport Strategy [MITS] 2025 Refresh was revealed.

The original MITS was created back in 2012 and the council is now aiming to refresh that document by mid next year following community consultation.

The new discussion paper considers the current state of transport, challenges, opportunities and six proposed strategic directions.

It said that the population in Maribyrnong is anticipated to increase by 67 per cent between 2016 and 2041 and without intervention, this will place additional strain on safety and efficiency of the municipality’s transport network, including roads, public transport, and active transport.

The discussion paper highlighted that barriers need to be removed to encourage increased walking and cycling participation.

It said that a booming population will increase demand for parking and create more traffic congestion. It said there could be an opportunity to increase paid parking to collect revenue to fund active transport.

The report said there was an opportunity to align speed limits and all road-transport infrastructure design with the safe system approach and reduce the reliance on vehicles, especially heavy duty vehicles.

It said another opportunity was turning Footscray station into a high quality integrated multi-modal transport hub, with clear connections between modes and providing priority for public transport services in busy corridors.

Councillor Sarah Carter said the discussion paper was an exciting opportunity to have an important discussion with the community.

She said a lot had changed since the original document in 2012 and they need to include it all in one document.

“We have a whole lot of policy documents that weren’t really talking to each other, we as a group were finding ourselves in conflict,” she said.

Councillor Jorge Jorquera said this was a good starting point but said there were a lot of different views in the community.

Works have also been progressing on the North-South Cycling Options Study. 

The study is scheduled to be completed in 2024 and will provide an important input to the MITS.


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