Did the Matildas focus more on their convictions rather than their Olympic task?

The Matilda are now out of the Olympics not progressing past the group stage the first time since 2000. What was the distraction that they were only able to win one game out of three? This is the worst performance of the Matildas since the Sydney Olympic Games.

Could the Matildas have spent too much time getting involved in politics focusing more on themselves and not on their game. Photographs with the Aboriginal flag and statements from players clearly dividing the team and the community as a whole. No doubt Football Australia will seek to blame the coach for their poor performance (what was a dismal campaign) when the solution is clearly for the players to undertake a review of their own performance and political statements over the past 24 months.

Who can forget the brash and misguided statements and support of the Voice Referendum only to find out 2/3rds of Australia were dead against their views and their posture.

The Matildas with the Aboriginal Flag not the formal Australian Flag

Were the Matildas actually a side that had the ability to get through the group stage? Did they really have what it takes to play and win against the best of the best?

Finally we are still to learn the fate Sam Kerr who is alleged to have harassed a London Police Officer after a big night out.

The media has built the Matildas up beyond their true ability. Hubris and contrived are two words that spring to mind when one things about them. Alas the damage has been done.

Goodnight Matildas

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