Senator Pocock calls for more Palestinian immigration to Australia

Australian’s are hurting, they are battling a cost of living crisis at the same time we have a housing crisis. Our youth are more concerned about their individual futures than ever before. We have inflation at a point where it is still to high and the inability to use a stupid blunt tool called Monetary Policy due to the cost of mortgages and the reality Australia is almost in recession.

We cannot house the people arriving now and we have the highest ever crime rates in Australia. We also have the issues of crime and unrest in Central Australia, an issue that has largely not been solved.

We have a high rate of homelessness at present with no end in sight and various promises of public housing which is yet to eventuate.

The Teals think it would be a great idea to open the floodgates.

What could go wrong?

15 thoughts on “Senator Pocock calls for more Palestinian immigration to Australia

  1. What is happening to our country – demographically and economically! Housing prices and cost of living (if you can survive) are ridiculous and not affordable or sustainable for many! Aussies living in caravans/tents/cars in every town.

  2. The colour Teal is a shade of blue/green which equals lefty ( family welfare recipients) from upper class liberal backgrounds being children all their lives

  3. These lunatics have to be removed from office the stupidity of these ratbags is sending us down the same path as the UK and France complete idiots

  4. David Pocock should go and live there and see for himself what these terrorists, animals do and want, he is a few brain cells short of intelligence!

  5. Anyone ever bothered to ask why do neighbouring countries in their region doesn’t take them?

    If they don’t want then even blind freddy can tell that these people from Palestine areas aka Gaza caused problems in those hosting countries overseas in the past and don’t want them, as their background and character is questionable!

    Why should we become a dumping ground for people other countries don’t want overseas?

    If these demented pollies think it such great idea, maybe they can house them in their electorate or in their many investment properties they own near their families!!!

    We don’t want to be like UK having non assimilating immigrates running amock in our own country, we got enough issues here and we are FULL!!!

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