JK Rowling slams Paris Olympics calling it a ‘Disgrace’

JK Rowling slams Paris Olympics calling it a ‘Disgrace’ after a biological male beat a female in women’s boxing.

“A young female boxer has just had everything she’s worked and trained for snatched away because you allowed a male to get in the ring with her. You’re a disgrace, your ‘safeguarding’ is a joke and #Paris24 will be forever tarnished by the brutal injustice done to Carini.”

JK Rowling

The Harry Potter authors comments came after Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who is biologically male, beat Italian female boxer Angela Carini in 46 seconds.

In a recent press release the IOC has defended its decision.

5 thoughts on “JK Rowling slams Paris Olympics calling it a ‘Disgrace’

  1. What an absolute disgrace! The footage of Carina breaking down and losing everything she has built to get to this moment is crushing. We cannot allow the erasing of women from sports. We do not accept this. Why not have a transgender category? Women need to absolutely refuse to compete against biological males. This is not equality. It is the erasing of female sports.

  2. My fathers commercial construction business spends millions every year with two Olympic sponsors. As of yesterday we will no longer spend another dollar with them.

  3. She’s not transgender she is a woman born female . For god sake she’s Algerian where it is illegal to be trans, give ya head a wobble.

  4. Tran are not Women but if this women suffer a genetic aliment that fails dna test and testosterone test then Olympic Committee seems culpable for allowing this person to compete against a female in a contact sports resulting injury!

    And now they seemly has allowed another biological male who identifies as women to beat up another biological female and this another boxer Lin Yu-Ting who has very masculine features and I could clearly see the adam’s apple!

    If confused males want to change gender completely….I think they’ll have ask these fish how they did it!

    Our medical technology is good but not that good compared to good ole mother nature!

    All female boxers should refuse to fight them until the decision is reversed!

    this keep getting worse, where’s the asteroid???

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